Add, Update, Revise or Delete Your Information on The Bead Site

As is now a
Reference Only Site
this form has been disabled.

This form may be used by everyone who is or wants to be linked to us or posted on The Bead Site. This includes Bead Societies, Beadmaking Guilds, Individual Beadmakers and so on. Commercial Links also use this form.

Please fill this out properly. All fields are required.

The form is divided into two sections. One is for commercial links. The other is for all other listings (Bead Societies, etc.). If you are going to revise your listing you must input the old listing. Go to the page on which it is found, copy it, return and paste it into the form.

All fields will be blank when you return, so you should do this before filling in anything.

All links must be full URLs, that is, beginning with http://www. or the equivalent.

In order for us to link with you, you must give us a reciprocal link and a description on your web site. It should say -- Serious study of all beads with the emphasis on people. The World's Biggest Bead Bookstore and Busiest Bead Web Site. Center for Bead Research

The hyperlink must be active; it does not need to be in boldface if that is not your style..

You may also link the text "Serious... Research" or just "Center for Bead Research" (omit quotation marks) in your source code rather than showing the URL. You must use the full description.

If you are a Bead Society, etc. and don't have a web site, you need not fulfill this requirement. We can give you a web site in exchange for a print ad in your newsletter. More information is found here. (Read before beginning to fill in the form.)

All information gathered here is for internal use only, except what you ask us to post. We do not buy or sell names nor do we spam.

We start with the basics.

Your full name

Your full e-mail address (e.g.

Unless you tell us otherwise, we will send you bEad-Mail, our e-newsletter that comes out about monthly. You may unsubscribe at any time.
 O.K., send it.
 No, I already get it.
 No, thanks.


For Commercial Links Only. All other listings see below.

You must give us a reciprocal link with the description -- Serious study of all beads with the emphasis on people. The World's Biggest Bead Bookstore. Center for Bead Research
 I have done this.
 I shall do it and inform you that I have. (Click on "Contact Us" on any page of The Bead Site. Include your name as given above so we can reference it.)

I want to...
 Add a link.
 Revise or update a link.
 Delete a link.

Old Listing (for revise/update and delete)

Revised or New Listing (description and full URL).


For Bead Societies, etc. Commercial links go above.

If you have a web site you must give us a reciprocal link with the description -- Serious study of all beads with the emphasis on people. The World's Biggest Bead Bookstore. Center for Bead Research.
 I have done this.
 I shall do it and inform you that I have. (Click on "Contact Us" on any page of The Bead Site. Include your name as given above so we can reference it.)
 We don't have a web site. Send us details about having one on The Bead Site.

I want to...
 Add a link or listing.
 Revise or update a link or listing.
 Delete a link or listing.

Old Listing (for revise/update and delete)

Revised or New Listing (full URL and e-mail address). If you think I might have trouble figuring out where to place you, put a descriptor such as "Polymer beadmaking guild" in quotation marks at the beginning of your listing. It will not appear in your post.

Any other comments?

Thanks for taking the time to fill this out. This will expedite things.

~ Peace

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