How to Navigate The Bead Site

The Bead Site is all about beads and anything related to them. Since that is a large class of objects, the site is large. The links seen all around the site will take you to major portions.

The whole site may be navigated from major index pages. These include the next two paragraphs, the Home Page, The Center for Bead Research (CBR) page and the Text and Graphics index pages of Beadtown. Links on each page will take you elsewhere.

The Bead Site is conceptually divided into two parts. One consists of text and galleries. It includes our two electronic books (E-books), Beads and where they have led me and Bead Basics. It also includes the galleries, among them the color plates for the Margaretologist, our journal.These can be downloaded and will continually expand.

The other is Beadtown, the cyber-home of all bead lovers. It boasts a Bazaar (with the Book Store and Travel Agency), the Center for Bead Research Building, a Museum, a Bank (with a Money Museum), Beadtown University and a Gazebo in the Park where games are played. There is also the Guildhall, with sections devoted to beadmakers,beadworkers and bead societies. The Chat Lines are located here. All over the site (including the book) are Galleries. You can find information about linking to the site or advertising here. You can also contact us at the Office.

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